APPLICATIONS CURRENTLY CLOSED for ASH Student Research Grants and for the ASH Paul Webber Research Fund Grants.
Applications must be lodged online through the ASH Members Portal (you must be a member of ASH to apply).
The Australian Society of Herpetologists Student Research Grant
The Australian Society of Herpetologists, Inc. will support a limited number of student research projects that focus on Australian herpetofauna. Honours and Masters students can apply for up to $1000 and PhD students can apply for up to $2000. Applications will be ranked by a panel of experts and awards will be based on merit. Applicants can only win once in each category (Honours/Masters or PhD). The grants are primarily intended to support data acquisition such as the costs of field work and/or lab consumables and procedures. Grants requesting salaries, conference travel, lab visits and/or the purchase or partial-purchase of large pieces of equipment are unlikely to be funded. Applications must be lodged online through the ASH Members Portal (you must be a member of ASH to apply).
The Australian Society of Herpetologists Paul Webber Research Fund for Herpetology
Paul Webber worked for many years as a Technical Assistant in Herpetology at the Australian Museum and he was a long-term member of the Australian Society of Herpetologists. Paul passed away on 9 April 2014 and he left an amazing gift to the Society to enable the establishment of the ASH Paul Webber Research Fund for Herpetology. Applications will be evaluated by a panel of experts. Applicants can request up to $5000 but the amount awarded will depend on what funding is available in any given round. A maximum of one grant will be given in each round and the committee reserves the right to not award a grant in a round. The ASH Paul Webber Research Fund for Herpetology must be acknowledged in any publications that result from the work and the winner must agree to present a talk on their work at the ASH conference following the win. Applications must be lodged online through the ASH Members Portal (you must be a member of ASH to apply).
Eligibility for the Paul Webber Research Grant:
Applicants must be members of the Society and the committee will only consider applications from researchers or staff employed by an Australian institution or organisation. The award is open to researchers and staff from the following groups:
• Museum-based researchers or staff*
• Zoo-based researchers or staff*
• Conservation and/or environmental researchers or staff employed by Local, State, Territory, or Federal government agencies*
• Conservation and/or environmental researchers or staff employed by non-government agencies*
• University-based early career researchers who have submitted their PhD or are within 5 years of confirmation of the PhD
*Applicant can be at any career stage but must not be a student. Students should instead apply for an ASH Student Research Grant.