2. The Society shall promote the scientific study of amphibians and reptiles.
3. The Society shall provide opportunities for discussion and the dissemination of information among its Members by an appropriate means, including meetings and publications.
4. The Society shall take an active interest in the conservation of amphibians and reptiles.
5. Professional scientists and scientifically-interested amateurs, who are engaged in herpetological research may be admitted to Membership of the Society, at the discretion of the Council. Recommendation of a person for Membership shall be made in writing by any two financial Members. The candidate shall furnish to the Secretary details of name, address, work and interests for inclusion in the List of Members.
6. Each Member is responsible for notifying the Secretary of their registered address and email address , and of any changes, to which formal notices required under these laws may be sent.
7. Membership shall not be considered effective until the first subscription has been paid.
8. No member shall be at liberty to withdraw from the Society without previously giving notice in writing via mail or email to the Secretary of their intention to withdraw, and returning all property of the Society in their possession. Members will be considered liable for the payment of all subscriptions due from them up to the date at which they give their written notice of their intention to withdraw from the Society.
9. If in the opinion of the Council the conduct of any Member of the Society, or any act done by them, be injurious to the interests of the Society, the Council may call on such Member to show cause why they should not be expelled from the Society; and unless within one calendar month they shall show such cause to the satisfaction of the Council, the Council may direct that their name be erased from the List of Members, and they shall thereupon cease to be a Member of the Society.
10. The Council may invite as an Honorary Member any professional scientist or any scientifically-interested amateur.
11. Honorary Members shall not be required to pay any entrance fee or subscription.
12. The annual subscription shall be fixed by the Council.
13. The financial year will commence on 1st July. Members elected between 1st January and 30th June shall, upon payment of the first annual subscription, be credited with payment of the annual subscription for the following financial year, unless they wish to receive publications for the current year.
14. Subscriptions shall be due on the first day of the financial year, and no Member shall be entitled to the privileges of Membership until the subscription for the year is paid.
15. If the annual subscription of a Member is twelve (12) months in arrears, the Council may, after due notification to such Member, remove their name from the List of Members, but after payment of all arrears may reinstate the name of a Member under this rule.
16. The management of the Society shall be vested in the Council which shall consist of the office bearers of the Society and two ordinary Members. Only Members of the Society who are resident within the Commonwealth of Australia and its Territories during the period of office of the Council are eligible to become Members of the Council.
17. The following shall be considered office bearers:
Secretary or Secretary-Treasurer
Treasurer or Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
18. The President or the Vice-President shall act as Chairman at Council meetings, but in their absence a Chairman may be elected by Members of the Society to act as their proxy at a meeting of the Council. All Council decisions shall be by simple majority of its Members expressed verbally or by post. The Chairman shall have a casting vote. In case of doubt as to the interpretation and application of any regulations, the Chairman is authorized to give a ruling.
19. Office-bearers and ordinary Members of the Council shall be appointed annually at the Annual General Meeting. All office-bearers may be re-elected, but the President, the Vice-President and the two Ordinary Members may not remain in office for more than three consecutive years.
20. Nominations to the Council must be received by the Secretary no less than 21 days prior to the Annual General Meeting of each year. Nominees must be proposed and seconded by financial Members who must obtain written consent from the candidate to accept nomination. If more than one nomination is received for any one vacancy, a vote shall be taken at the Annual General Meeting.
21. The Council may fill any vacancy which may occur during the year for the unexpired portion of the year.
22. The President, or in their absence the Vice-President, shall act as Chairperson at all business meetings of the Society. The President may appoint any Member of the Council to carry out the duties of Chairperson in the absence of themself and the Vice-President. If no Member of the Council has been appointed a meeting may elect a Chairperson from among the Members present.
23. The Secretary shall keep all records of the Society and shall be responsible for their correctness; and shall keep minutes of all business and Council meetings.
24. The Treasurer shall keep all funds and monies and shall disburse them on behalf of the Society; and shall be responsible for their correctness. They shall not keep more than forty dollars ($40) in the form of cash and shall deposit any money in excess of this amount in the Society’s bank account.
25. The Secretary-Treasurer (if so appointed) shall combine the duties of Secretary and Treasurer, and shall be assisted by the Assistant Secretary-Treasurer.
26. The Editor shall collect material for, edit, and issue publications of the Society.
27. The Council shall appoint annually an official auditor to audit the yearly accounts of the Society.
28. The Secretary and the Treasurer shall prepare and the Council shall approve reports on the Societies activities in each year. These reports may be presented at an appropriate General meeting, and abstracts shall be circulated to all Members.
29. There shall not be more than three Trustees of the Society. The Trustees shall be the President, the Vice-President and the Secretary (or Secretary-Treasurer) for the time being.
30. The property of the Society (other than the funds and monies referred to in clause 24 hereof) shall be vested in the trustees to be dealt with by them as the Council shall from time to time direct (of which direction an entry in the minute book shall be conclusive evidence).
31. The trustees shall be indemnified against risk and expense arising out of the Society’s property.
32. The Council may appoint such Committees as it considers necessary for carrying on the work of the Society; and shall have the power to co-opt Members or non-members of the Society to serve on such Committees.
33. No Committee shall act without the consent of the Council of the Society.
34. The President may call meetings of the Council or business may be conducted by post. At a Council meeting three shall form a quorum, but decisions must be referred to other Members of the Council by post.
35. The Council of the Society will call General Meetings (scientific and business) as convenient. There shall be an Annual General Meeting each year at a time determined by the Council, at which a report of the year’s activities and a balance sheet for the preceding year shall be presented.
36. Special general Meetings to discuss business may be called at the discretion of the Council, and must be called by the President, or in their absence the Vice-President on application of not less than ten Members. At least one month’s notice must be given, and Members unable to attend may express views by proxy or by post. Owing to the impracticability of obtaining a fully representative attendance, such a Special General Meeting is empowered only to make recommendations which the Council may refer to a postal vote.
37. When a postal vote is called for, the Secretary or Secretary-Treasurer must notify all Members of the closing date in sufficient time to allow for a reply to be received from the registered addresses of Members. Decisions of a postal vote shall be by simple majority of the votes cast. For the purpose of such a postal vote, thirty percent of Members shall constitute a quorum. In the absence of a quorum, decisions will be deferred to a Special General meeting or the next Annual General meeting.
38a. No new law, or alteration or repeal of an existing law, shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting summoned for the purpose, or by postal vote as stipulated in clause 37 hereof.
38b. A resolution to repeal, alter or add to any existing rule must be approved by not less than two thirds of the members voting.
39. In the event of any question or matter arising out of any point which is not expressly provided for under these laws, the Council may act as seems to be best for the interests of the Society.
40. The common seal shall have the name of the Society inscribed on it, and shall be kept by the Public Officer of the Society. The Public Officer who must reside in the A.C.T. shall be appointed by the membership at the Annual General Meeting.
41. The Council shall have the power to use the seal in the execution of any powers vested in it or otherwise in relation to the affairs of business of the Society. The seal shall not be used except by authority of the Council. The Public Officer (or in their absence the President) and one other member of Council shall sign every instrument to which the seal is affixed.
42. In July of each year or at such other times as may be necessary, the Council shall appoint an auditor willing to act and who is not a member, nor the public officer of the association to audit the financial statements of the Society.
21 May 1983